Design Options for Commercial Kerbing for Safety and Durability

Commercial kerbing is essential if you want to protect landscaping in a car park or office complex. These borders can look like the kerbs you see along the street or like garden bed edging, but no matter what you want them to look like, they are essential tools in keeping both landscaping and people safe. The design you use is important not only from a cosmetic point of view but also from a visibility point of view. These kerbs can also stop minor lot flooding as well if you want to include that in your design.

Contrasting Colours

There's something to be said for making garden bed edging blend in with the rest of the bed, but in a car park or office complex plaza, you want people to see those kerbs. That being said, you want the kerbs to complement the landscaping or appearance of the offices. You might want to choose a colour that matches something in the landscaping, such as a dark brown colour for the kerb that matches the branches of shrubbery but that also contrasts nicely with the light-coloured mulch. In a car park, white or off-white kerbs contrast with the darker bitumen of the lot surface.

Barrier Shape

Kerbs act as borders, and the shape of the border affects what it can be used for. If you want to keep people from driving through certain parts of the car park, for example, you'll want a full barrier, where the kerb forms a small cliff of sorts. The same goes for keeping minor flooding and runoff from entering parts of the property; a barrier-type kerb can help channel the water.

Edges and Corners

People, unfortunately, can be a bit clumsy sometimes. To take the sting out of someone's accidental stumble into a kerb, you'll want the edges to be at least a little bit rounded. You might want kerbs in areas where there will be lots of children to be even more rounded so that there aren't severe edges that could make bruises worse should a child trip and fall on the kerb.

When you arrange for commercial concrete kerbing, you'll get a chance to discuss the design with a company representative. This is when you'll be able to talk about why you want the kerbing and what role it should play on your property. You have a chance to be a bit more creative with this kerbing, compared to regular street kerbs, so take advantage of that to design something you will be happy to look at.

For more information about concrete kerbing, contact a local company.

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Dealing With Damaged Concrete

Hello! My name is Laura and this is my concrete blog. If you have a lot of concrete on your property, you may be wondering how to spot the signs that it is damaged. Once you know how to spot that concrete is damaged, you will be able to make a plan about how you will tackle the issue. I am not a concrete contractor, but thankfully, my friend Darren is. Darren assessed my property and recommended that I have some of the concrete replaced or repaired. I followed his advice and I am really pleased with the results. Check out my blog for more info!



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